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An Egyptian bronze bull, Late Period ca 664 - 332 BC
Reference No: EB109
An Egyptian bronze bull, Late Period ca 664 - 332 BC
Price : $ 950
EUR 921.98 GBP 771.59 AUD 1,535.58

The bull's face with square snout and prominent nostrils, protrusions  pointing slightly forward on either side of the head indicate horns.  Standing on cone shaped legs ending in cloven hooves, with bulge at the front of the throat, a smooth cylandrical body, and a thick tail. 

In ancient Egypt the bull was considered a symbol of strength, masculinity, renewal or fertility and was also associated with royal power.  In depictions of hunting scenes, the bull is hunted by the king.  A number of bulls were given special status as sacred animals such as the Apis bull and Buchis bull which were interred in catacombs. 

Dimensions: length 2.5 inches (6.35 centimeters), height 1.75 inches (4.45 centimeters)

Condition: Loss of the ends of horns and tail, some mineral accumulation, otherwise intact and in good condition.

Provenance:  Philip Mitry private collection.