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A Roman carnelian intaglio of Victoria, ca 2nd century AD
Reference No: RJ004
A Roman carnelian intaglio of Victoria, ca 2nd century AD
Price : $ 1,750
EUR 1,698.38 GBP 1,421.35 AUD 2,828.70

 This would have to be one of the most charming intaglio rings offered for awhile.  The intaglio is Roman, ca 2nd century with a well incised depiction of Victoria, goddess of Victory (equivalent to the Greek goddess Nike) shown standing in left profile, holding a wreath and palm branch.  Set in an 18K late Georgian antique gold ring.

Condition: Scratches and a little wear to the ring bezel but overall intact and in very good condition, a very charming example of type.

Dimensions:   US ring size 51/2

Provenance:  Private mid-west collection.