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A charming Greek terracotta of a young girl, ca 3rd century BC
Reference No: GT1301
A charming Greek terracotta of a young girl, ca 3rd century BC
Price : $ 1,950
EUR 1,892.48 GBP 1,583.79 AUD 3,151.98

This small, sweet figurine is shown standing, her arms are raised and extend slightly across her body, creating a contrast between the horizontal folds of drapery across her chest and the vertical folds of fabric extending from her waist to her feet. Her himation completely envelops her body and covers her hands. Her hair is divided into sections of twisted strands and gathered into a bun at the back of her head, in a popular late-fourth-century hairstyle known as the “melon” coiffure.  Large firing hole at back.

 During this era, the production of small terracotta figurines flourished on the Greek mainland, particularly in the region of Boeotia. These terracotta figures are often referred to as Tanagra-style figurines, due to their prevalence in tombs excavated near the Boeotian city of Tanagra. Many of these female Tanagra figurines depict standing women or girls wrapped in elaborate drapery that often covers their heads, hands, and faces in a gesture of modesty. Remnants of pigments on a variety of Tanagra figurines also suggest that these figures were painted with bright, water-soluble paints after firing.

Condition:  Complete, the head and a number of breaks to the back professionally rejoined, overall in very good condition, with some polychrome remaining.  A most charming piece.

Dimensions:  Height:  5 inches (13 cm)

Provenance:  Private NY collection