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A Published Roman Bronze Applique, ca 1st century BCE/CE
Reference No: RB808
A Published Roman Bronze Applique, ca 1st century BCE/CE
Price : $ 2,000
EUR 1,811.80 GBP 1,526.60 AUD 2,921.20

This bronze applique with loop for suspension or attachment at the top is flat on one side, and decorated on the other with the face of a satyr, most likely Pan.  Details include a furrowed, prominent brow over deep-set eyes and a craggy nose as well as a long, curly beard that reaches from the point of his chin all the way up the sides of his face.   

In Greek and Roman mythology, Pan is the god of shepherds and flocks.  He is depicted as half-man/half-goat, and is identified by his pointed chin, weather beaten face, unruly hair and horns.  He is associated with the bucolic life of the woods and, like all satyrs, is notorious for his sexual appetite.

Condition: Intact and in good condition overall with some green and brown patination.  Custom mounted.

Dimensions: Height: 8.89cm (3 1/2in); Width: 3.81cm (1 1/2in).

Provenance:   Paul Ilton private collection

Published:  Front cover of:  Paul Ilton "Digging in the Holy Land" 1958